Objetos Inteligentes Baseados em CLP para Aplicações Científicas




Constraint logic programming (CLP) is a programming language class based on logic programming together with constraint programming. It is derived from general research areas such as artificial intelligence, programming languages, and combinatorial optimization, and has been employed to model and solve many complex real problems. The objective of this work is to propose, validate, and implement a concept of intelligent object based on CLP. An intelligent object encapsulates, besides data and methods as usual in object orientation, declarative knowledge and inference engines, which enable the object to employ its knowledge in order to yield intelligent behavior. In the proposed approach the knowledge is formulated from CLP rules which are associated to an object. Because this integration satisfies the main characteristics of the object oriented programming (OOP)encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, the processing in resulting applications is based on an universe made up of objects the change messages each other. The actions are not controlled by a central inference engine, but arise from the message flow among objects. As consequence, modeling and implementation of complex systems that need to make use of CLP techniques could remain based on object oriented paradigm, improving code reusability, maintainability, readability, and efficiency, and providing to software engineerings a more intuitive and natural absorption of this intelligence artificial technique.


artificial intelligence object orientation ciencia da computacao programação lógica com restrição inteligência artificial orientação a objetos programação orientada a objetos clp constraint logic programming

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