Obrassistema = obra de arte + sistema: três casos




This research has as a goal to think about the work of art as a complex system and, from this approach, supported by the General Theory of Systems and by the studies and principles of the complex systems, to propose a concept of obrassistema. This concept appears as an attempt to define the work of art in its systemic complexity, which transforms and modifies itself from unpredictable interferences given by the spectator and by the context in which it is located. Beyond the theoretical path that bases the notion of obrassistema, three artistic propositions are presented like cases as examples and consequences of this approach: Reunion for emergencies, (Not) Meetings and Investor. In Reunion for emergencies three different stories about three reunions that supposedly happened are presented. In each one of the narratives there was an attempt to highlight the concept of emergency, as well as the unpredictable organizational complex dynamics that redefine the reunion. In the second case, with (Not) Meetings, we refer to the experience of realizing and relating with a filtered or transformed by the use of an optical device with lens that change the watched images reality, constituting a memory based on an experience intentionally modified. This situation is presented through another story in which an event of this possibility is told and also through records of our practice accomplished using glasses with different filters during the period of our Masters Graduation Course and in other situations. The last case the Investor refers to the proposition of a device that allows the displacement of the upside down body. This proposition is presented through the narrative of a protagonist that relates with a person who lives in this condition and uses the device. In this case, possibilities of inversion are searched in a complex system


complexity sistema complexidade work of art artes obra de arte teoria dos sistemas artes plasticas system

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