Obtenção de imagens com raios x fluorescentes




Imaging by using X-Ray fluorescent radiation had not been developed till now. In this work two new methods of X-ray fluorescent imaging were developed. They have produced images which are to be considered as the first step in a new field. a) "Monochromatic Radiography" (Typical exposure times are of about 1 msec.) .Radiography obtained by using characteristic radiation. b) "Fluorescent Image Method" (Exposure time of about two minutes). The image obtained of a body by using the characteristic radiation emitted by an atom selectively excited by another properly chosen characteristic radiation. An adequate characteristic beam is obtained from a plate made out of a pure element irradiated with a full white spectrum of a conventional generator. This fluorescent element converts it up until the absorption edge, in a practical, efficient and simple way in another spectrum made out of discrete characteristic lines of the element. Thus, white radiation from a conventional generator is transformed to characteristic radiation of wavelengths in a given region. Method (b) may produce several simultaneous images. A couple of them is an stereoscopic pair and the three dimensional internal structure of the body can then be visualized. The new methods have some implicit advantages when compared with traditional methods, with regard to decreased body irradiation since the hard monochromatic radiation is nearly not absorved by the light elements of the animal tissues. In addition, the estimated amount of opacifier is about two orders of magnitude smaller than in classical methods since it is selectively excited here


raios x radioatividade

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