Obtenção de requisitos para customização de processo de desenvolvimento de software / An approach to critical factors measurement to guide software process customization




The main goal of Software Engineering is developing quality software. Sofware quality is straightly related to the quality of the process employed in software production. Process specification is still an art, and it does not rely entirely on parameters that establish the relationship between context and process. There are many software process choices available, and in most cases a process that is not adequate to the kind of problems an organization is focused on is used. Choices are made empirically, based on past experience of members of the development team, and in general they do not rely on a technical approach based on more scientific bases and fundamentals. This work presents a method (procedure) that allows obtaining requirements to draw a profile composed of software development context characteristics. The determination of those requirements is done by the application of the GQM approach for their definition, extraction and analysis, thus allowing a more accurate quantification and subsequently the construction of a profile that forms a base for a more accurate choice of software development process for an organization or team. From the requirement definition, a questionnaire is developed and tested. The questionnaire is used to measure the defined requirement for each team. As the final step of the proposed method, an oriented data analysis is presented and the possible data interpretations are shown. Case studies are carried out so the proposed method is applied to three different teams aiming to analyze the profile of each one.


ciencia da computacao métodos híbridos hybrid methods software process customization measurement to guide processo de desenvolvimento de software customização de processo

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