Obtenção do alcalóide indólico bufotenina de sementes de Anadenanthera sp (Fabaceae: Mimosideae) do bioma Cerrado e sua utilização para síntese de substâncias bioativas / Obtenção do alcalóide indólico bufotenina de sementes de Anadenanthera sp (Fabaceae: Mimosideae) do bioma Cerrado e sua utilização para síntese de substâncias bioativas




The biome Brazilian Cerrado (Savannah) has a variety of plant species rich in organic chemicals of interest, especially alkaloids, found at different levels in the leaves, fruits, stems, roots and seeds. The current study focused on the phytochemistry of the Anadenanthera (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a perennial tree widespread in the Brazilian Cerrado, popularly known as angico-do-cerrado, angico-cascudo, angico-do-campo and arapiraca. Special emphasis was intended for comparative investigation of the indole alkaloid bufotenine in seeds of different species of Anadenanthera and its potential utilization as raw-material for the preparation of serotonin analogous, which have shown to exhibit antimicrobiana, antitumoral and free radical scavenging activities as well as tetrahydro-β-carboline derivatives which can be active in the central nervous system. Parts of the plants (leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds) of the genus Anadenanthera were collected around Brasilia from august to setember, 2006, vouchers were prepared and deposited in the University of Brasilia Herbarium. The species were identified as Anadenanthera peregrina (vars. peregrina and falcata) and Anadenanthera columbrina (var. cebil). Seeds were submited to different extraction metodologies. The seed ethanolic extract (Soxhlet) shown a less polar and abundant fraction that the main chemical components are triglycerides of fatty acids and a more polar fraction constituted only by the indole alkaloid bufotenin. The Stromberg methods shown to be a more efficient methodology for extraction, purification and quantification of the bufotenine. The presence of bufotenine in extracts of these varieties was confirmed for FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and GC-MS. The phytochemical study confirmed that these species are promising source of the bufotenine (about 2,9%) and the literature suggests that appropriate structural modifications on bufotenine may afford potential bioactive compounds.


bufotenina indole alkaloids anadenanthera anadenanthera quimica bufotenine alcalóides indólicos

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