Obtenção do fator de intensidade de tensão pelo método da função de green local modificado




The stress intensity factor is of paramount importance at failure analysis, fatigue and fracture mechanics, this methodology is used when the cost is high and the safety essential. In this way, a lot of methods have been used and, among of them, one has the Finite Element and the Boundary Element methods, the first needs a fine mesh getting a high computational cost and the second, with a not so fine mesh, can take a better representation of the singularities at the crack tip because its mixeal characteristic, but it needs the previous know of the fundamental solution, restricting its applications. The modified Local Green#s Function Method is introduced here as a new ton and can be compared with the Galerkin Direct Boundary Element Method, keeping the mixed characteristic but the restriction above, since the fundamental solution, the Green#s function, is nodaly approximated by finite elements. So, as a first portion, one introduces the method for not isoparametrics elements, taking advantage of the hybrid characteristic, together with elasticity and fracture mechanics revisions. A method#s valuation, with usual elements, by solving crack problems is made as a second portion, as well as the method features related with the parametric dependence and computational cost. One shows some crack elements are also shown together within solutions and, at last, but not least a comparison of themselves.


mecanica da fratura engenharia mecanica green, funções de engenharia mecânica

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