Obtenção do ponto de maximo carregamento em sistemas eletricos de potencia utilizando novas tecnicas de parametrização para o metodo de continuação




This work presents the features of new methods obtained with small modifications of the conventional Newton and fast decoupled methods. With the proposed modifications the problems caused by ill conditioning of the conventional methods for the determination of the maximum loading point and voltage stability margin ca1culation are avoided. New parameterization schemes for continuation method based on the Newton method are proposed, along with a new parameterization schemes for the continuation method based on the fast decoupled load flow. These new methods are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their characteristics, as well as the influence of the reactive power and tap limits. The results obtained show that, in addition to avoid local singularity, the inherent advantages of conventional methods are preserved, and the convergence region around the singularity is enlarged


teoria da bifurcação sistemas de energia eletrica estabilidade

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