Oligomerização, estruturas à baixa resolução, ligação ao DNA e ao ligante dos receptores de hormônios tireoidianos / Thyroid hormone receptor oligomerization, low resolution structures, DNA and ligand binding




The thyroid receptors (TRs) are proteins, which are involved in diverse and important physiological functions in the organisms, since they are regulators of development, cell divison and differentiation, metabolism and homeostasis. They are responsible by the regulation of specific gene transcription, through pleiotropic effects of lipophilic hormones in the cells. In the absence of the ligand these proteins are complexed to correpressors and block the transcription of genes that are regulated by them On the other hand, in the presence of the ligand transcription is induced through the binding of the receptors to DNA response elements and coactivators. New findings about TR described in this study helped to improve the understanding of the function and structure of the receptor. This was accomplished by: oligomerization experiments which showed the presence of TR tetramers, a quarternary structure described before only for the Retinoid Receptor X, and suggested new regulation mechanisms for the receptors; the small angle X-ray scattering assays which resulted in the first low resolution structural models of bigger constructions of TR, showing the correct position of TR domains and providing important information about the global TR structure; the anisotropy fluorescence experiments which evaluated the binding of these receptors to diverse response elements, in terms of dissociation constants and selectivity for each one of the HREs tested; and finally, the hydrogen/deuterium experiments which revealed the ligand binding domain mobility before and after the ligand addition. In summary, we can say that these results all together extended the knowledge about the TR action mechanisms and its quarternary strucuture, providing better understanding of the basic concepts involved in these macromolecules behavior, which are inserted into a complex network of regulation and interaction with other proteins.


afinidade ao dna dna affinity análise estrutural receptor de homônios tireoidianos oligomerization structural analysis thyroid hormone receptor oligomerização

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