On Models of Quantitative Genetic Variability: A Stabilizing Selection-Balance Model


A model of stabilizing selection on a multilocus character is proposed that allows the maintenance of stable allelic polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium. The model is a generalization of Lerner's model of homeostasis in which heterozygotes are less susceptible to environmental variation and hence are superior to homozygotes under phenotypic stabilizing selection. The analysis is carried out for weak selection with a quadratic-deviation model for the stabilizing selection. The stationary state is characterized by unequal allele frequencies, unequal proportions of complementary gametes, and a reduction of the genetic (and phenotypic) variance by the linkage disequilibrium. The model is compared with Mather's polygenic balance theory, with models that include mutation-selection balance, and others that have been proposed to study the role of linkage disequilibrium in quantitative inheritance.

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