One short well conserved region of Alu-sequences is involved in human gene rearrangements and has homology with prokaryotic chi.


Alu elements have repeatedly been found involved in gene rearrangements in humans. Although these elements have been suggested to stimulate gene rearrangements, sparse information is available for the possible mechanism(s) of these events. Here we present a compilation of Alu elements that have been involved in recombinational events leading to gene rearrangements, indicating the presence of a common 26 bp core sequence at or close to the sites of recombination. Besides the obvious possibility of retrotransposition, gene rearrangements may be induced by sequences that stimulate genetic recombination. We suggest that the core sequence stimulates recombination and may thereby cause the frequent involvement of these elements in gene rearrangements. Curiously, the core sequence contains the pentanucleotide motif CCAGC, which is also part of chi, an 8 bp sequence known to stimulate recBC mediated recombination in Escherichia coli.

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