"ONGs e governo: um estudo sobre as organizações não-governamentais que trabalham com meninos(as) de rua no centro de São Paulo e as relações com a administração municipal" / NGO and Government: A study about the Non Governmental Organizations that work with street kids in the centre of São Paulo and the relations with the city council.




During the 1990 decade, the non governmental organizations (NGOs) started working differently from their original proposals: they started working in partnerships with the Government in the execution of public policies. In this essay, I investigate the basis of the transformation in the work of the NGOs, the relation between the NGOs that work with street kids in the centre of Sao Paulo and the Government, focusing the participation in the public policies and the autonomy of these organizations. For a better understanding of the work of these institutions and the establishment of public policies destined to street kids, I present a report of the attendance given to the children and adolescents who live in risk situation in Brazil and describe, in a summary way, the main aspects related to the children who live on the streets. To obtain the empiric data, I made use of questionnaire technics, interviews and direct observation.


children and adolescents criança e adolescente street kids public policies ngo meninos de rua políticas públicas ongs

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