Optimization of native Brazilian fruit jelly through desirability-based mixture design


Food Sci. Technol




Abstract Faced with the need to enhance the availability and add even more value to Brazilian native fruits, combined with the demand and the great importance of developing mixed fruit products, the objective of this work was to evaluate the processing potential of jabuticaba, pitanga and cambuci in the preparation of jellies, based on sensory and nutritional characteristics, through desirability-based mixture design. Given the high sensory and nutritional quality of the jellies obtained through this study we found that the development of mixed jelly containing the Brazilian Native fruits jabuticaba, pitanga and cambuci is perfectly feasible and of great interest. According to the sensory and nutritional characteristics the fruit mixed jelly should contain: 40-100% jabuticaba, 0-30% cambuci and 0-20% pitanga.

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