Organização de episodios de ensino sobre a "questão nuclear" para o ensino medio : foco no imaginario de licenciados / Production of theach episodes above "nuclear question" for high school : focus in the future of physics teacher imaginary




In this dissertation, we are attempting to understand the under-degree physics student?s imaginary related to the inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics in high school. A class of future Physics teachers was monitored during the discipline Practice of Physics Teaching and Supervised Internship in the first half of 2005, at the Education Faculty of the State University of Campinas. Within the thematic Nuclear issue the students prepared episodes of education with one of the following approaches studied by science teaching research: History of Science; Science, Technology, Society and Environment; Problems Solving and Languages in Science Education. Taking as theoretical reference the Analysis of Speech, initiated in France by Michael Pecheux, with support in texts published in Brazil by Eni Puccinelli Orlandi, we are trying to understand the meanings assigned by future Physics teachers for the inclusion of Nuclear Physics in high school. We analyzed their speeches and writings in disciplines activities. The different ways of using episodes of education in a class room conditions the future Physics teacher?s imaginary, and the other way around. We noticed that some conditions of productions are related with limits highlighted by future Physics teachers: selection process when applying to a university, teacher?s workplace, student?s difficulties with Math, among others. We also noticed that some conditions of production is related with possibilities pointed by future Physics teachers: Physics teaching is based on mathematical memorization and often includes only Kinematics; Nuclear Physics is very present in the media communication, it?s application in school could be a way to connect school physics and students life, allowing critical understanding of the world. Many students don?t like school Physics or Modern Physics, and in that manner the approaches previously referred could help the motivation of this students, among others. We noted that the work with the approaches contributed significantly to the future Physics teacher?s to think on their on ways of conception of science and education, and also that the preparation of the episodes of education developed simultaneously in the internship provided important reflections on future teachers.


imaginary physics fisica - ensino secundario fisica nuclear imaginario formação de professores teacher formation nuclear physics

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