Orientação profissional para profissões não universitárias: perspectiva da análise do comportamento. / Professional guidance for non graduated professions: behavior analysis perspective.




The choice of a career is a very important decision and its normally linked to the insertion in a college education. In the other hand, nowadays reality shows, not only in terms of access to education but also by ones free choice, that the graduated professions arent the only way to achieve stability and professional satisfaction. Job market needs professional with other kinds of qualifications. The main goal of this research was to evaluate a professional guidance program under the perspective of the Behavior Analysis for non graduated professions. The program was composed by five meetings: the first and a part of the second were designated to the development of the contingencies concerning self knowledge and the knowledge of the other; the rest of the second and the third meetings boarded the contingencies referring the professional information and the professional world. Finally, the fourth and last meetings were about the contingencies of the decision taking. The specimen was composed careless of any education degree. The participants had, at minimum fourteen years old, and in the case of being under this age, they should at least have concluded junior high. The specimen were about to join the job market, they wouldnt go to a college (by their own choice); they belonged to the low socio-economic layer of the society and lived in a capital of one of the southern states of the country. Seventeen participants were selected and nine concluded the program. The study was done using two groups in separated ways. This was necessary because of the big quitclaim that happened in the first group right after the first meeting. The results obtained were analyzed separately for the two groups, for although they were exposed to the same methodology, the reduced number of participants in the first group couldnt allowed an statistic analysis that showed that the two specimen were of the same population. The statistic analysis was only made to the results obtained with Group 2 (G2). The statistic results showed that only in the discrimination feeling about the decision taking factor a difference with statistic matter happened. In qualitative terms, there was practically total satisfaction among the participants about the program methodology and structure. Besides that, functional analysis were made of some verbal episodes, in which some of the participants behavior trough the program and the reaching of the goals for each meeting could be evidenced. The program showed itself efficient in its goals, raised the participants variability to the professional information and made them more discriminative towards the decision taking process, upgrading of the verbal repertory.


behavior analysis psicologia decision taking orientação profissional tomada de decisão análise do comportamento professional guidance

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