Os agentes de autocuidado e a utilização de orientações disponíveis no cenário do processo cuidativo da criança portadora de fissura lábio-palatal / The agent of selfcare and the utilization of the directions available in the scenery of the process of attending the lip and palate clefted child




The present study had as an objective to understand, describe and analyse the way how the mother and/or the significant person (here designated as selfcare agent - AAC) for the child, use the directions received on the occasion of the discharge, by means of the identifications of the universal requirements of the child and of the capabilities mentioned by the AAC in performing care, based on Orems Theory of the Deficit of Selfcare. It also intends to contribute and offer subsidies for the improvement of the quality of care, within the program of orientation developed by the interdisciplinary team. It is an exploratory study, descriptive with a qualitative approach. Sixty interviews were performed with the AAC for the lip-palate clefted child, in two distinct moments: the first was performed in the post-operatory period before the discharge and the second was performed by phone, in a period within 8 to 10 days after the discharge. Subcategories emerged after the analisys of the interviews related to the emotional aspects and the capability of the agent of selfcare, including experience to perform care for the lip and palate clefted child, evidencing that most of the agents of selfcare are able to perform care without difficulties. With relation to the directions offered by the nursing team and mentioned in different dimensions and perspectives by the AAC, stand out: the adequacy of answers of the AAC with relation to hold the child (95.3%); care with earache (94.3%); care with feeding (91.4%) and care when returning for the evaluation and surgery (88.6%). The other items (choking, regurgitation, vomits, deglutition, loss of weight and noisy breathing) are situated bellow the 70.0% of the answers considered as adequate in this study


selfcare cuidados de enfermagem lábio fissurado lip and palate cleft nursing care cuidado da criança

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