Os ciclos de formação e sua repercussão na prática pedagógica de avaliação da aprendizagem em Cáceres-Mt / The cycles of formation and its practical repercussion in the pedagogical one of evaluation of the learning In Cáceres-TM.




Believing that the Cycles of Formation are one of most advanced forms of organization of the school it is that we objectify in this research to investigate the conception of formation cycles and its repercussion in the practical one of the professors, with special attention in the evaluation of the learning of the cycle school of Cáceres-MT. To reach this objective, we analyze the conception of cycles of existing formation in the vision of the professors, the option theoretician-method who guides educative practical its and the practical conception and of evaluation of the learning. The research was developed by means of the qualitative boarding, by means of the procedure of a study of case that it counted on activities of field for collection of data, through comments of lessons and interviews with the professors who act in 1 phase of 2 cycle, pedagogical, Deliberative chairman of the board of the Pertaining to school Community and teaching director, coordinators of the resource rooms. The presented results point, until the moment, that the conception of formation cycles and its consequences in the evaluation of the learning still are in slow process of change and apprehension of the concepts and the characteristics that guide the organization of the school in formation cycles, considering that the presence of the pertaining to school culture guided by the grade organization is registered stronger.


ciclos de formação practical pedagogical educacao avaliação. cycles of formation evaluation. prática pedagógica

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