Os Custos socioeconômicos e ambientais dos impactos da urbanização de Imperatriz nos mananciais urbanos: um estudo de caso na micro-bacia do Riacho Bacuri / Ambient costs socioeconômicos and of the impacts of the urbanization of empress in the urban sources: a study of case in the micro-bacia of Stream Bacuri




The analysis has as research line urbanization, cites of the Amazonian end environment. A historical survey of the hydrographic potential of the region, where the city of Imperatriz-MA is located currently, identifying geographically all the springs of ware, sources and tributaries of the Tocantins river. With posse these data and information, it was possible made the quantitative and qualitative profile on and streams that cut the urban perimeter of the city. This work makes an approach about the expenses of the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the county of Imperatriz-MA against the micro basin of the stream Bacuri and the negative reactions of the degradation process. It is made a systematic intertime study of the elements of the animals and aquatic plants that there were and the ones that still living in the place next to that water source, exposing the social and economic environmental impacts, preformed during the years against man and nature.


urbanização custos meio ambiente - custos - imperatriz (ma) planejamento e projeto do espaco urbano impacts expenses urbanization - cost - imperatriz (ma) cites impactos urbanization meio aambiente environment cidades urbanização - custos - imperatriz (ma)

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