Os dialetos judeu-italianos. Um estudo sobre o bagito / xxx


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




We present the results of a research into the Italian Jewish immigration in Brazil, and particularly in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in the face of the anti-Semitic policy of Getúlio Vargas´s government (1937-1945). This research is based on a list of Italian Jews who were forced to leave their country after the issuance of the fascist racial laws in 1938. It especially analyses the position of Brazilian diplomat Jorge Latour, alert to the effects of the laws of exclusion in Italian territory. Latour´s reports aimed at stimulating Brazilian politicians to follow the same path of fascist Italy. It investigates the concession of visas to Italian Jews who took refuge in Brazil, as well as the subterfuges they used to survive and their forms of adaptation to the Brazilian community in general.


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