Os direitos fundamentais em tempos de neoconstitucionalismo




The present development is built on two main themes: the theory of juridical argument and the fundamental rights, both under the theoretical and practical focus of the neo-constitutionalism. The neo-constitutionalism, starting point for an interpretation of the right harnessed to philosophy, it is presented since its conception and structure, developed through debate around positive juridical triumph and the new law paradigm, relating their main common elements and the consequent modifications, from this moment on occurred in the legal system. As an indispensable element of the neoconstitutionalism, we developed the juridical argument and the theories more consecrated concerning its implementation. The juridical argument theory is, afterwards, associated to the fundamental rights, to maximize the justification process in the legislative and judiciary spheres -, as well as to define controversial subjects about the fundamental rights application process. The juridical argument theory is used to improve the challenges of several difficulties and tragic cases that are completed by the theory here elaborated about the fundamental rights. The concern with the theme in observance to the fundamental rights redefined in accordance to the Brazilian forensic reality, that is, the national legal conditions are studied which brings effectiveness to the theory, considering not only the doctrinal but also the court decisions aspects. The three slopes neo-constitutionalism, juridical argument and fundamental rights together will try to promote the due attention to the legitimation criteria, as well as elaborate new fundamental rights and unprecedented mechanisms for its effectiveness. So the elaboration reached will provide criteria for the merging of Constitutional Law with Law Philosophy and with Procedural Law, it is when the theorys materialization is conceived in an elaboration of an objection to the incoherence argument


teoria da argumentação jurídica direito constitucional direitos fundamentais -- brasil fundamental rights neo-constitutionalism brasil -- direito constitucional theory of juridical argument neoconstitucionalismo direitos fundamentais

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