Os errantes do sagrado: uma geoantropologia dos tempos e espaços de criadores populares de cultura em São Romão, norte de Minas Gerais




The sacred wandering is a work on geo-anthropology of time and space from the popular culture in the region of the São Francisco River in the north of Minas Gerais, focusing in the city São Romão. From the survey of historical and geographical aspects of São Romão, I intend to identify and analyze a geography-wandering of residents from different places within the region close to the city. Throughout the lives in time and space, we find Vila Risonha, marked by peculiar characteristics of party and working areas. The rural livelihoods are prevalent in urban areas, providing a resistance of rural and popular culture, with its parties recognized throughout the region. The wandering found in the most part of peoples lives from that region makes possible the understanding of popular culture practicing, identifying the vocation for the trip from the most part of manifestations of its popular Catholicism. From the wanderings lived in the Sertões, I aim to build an understanding and analysis of times and spaces from the creators of popular culture from a society in northern of Minas Gerais, on the banks of San Francisco River. It is a geography-errant to think about the wandering as a fundamental principle in the construction of new forms of integration in the space, creating other territorialities and recreating, with a continuation, a cultural landscape ribeirinha and norte-mineira.


cultura popular geoantropologia territory norte de minas gerais festivals and rituals northern of minas gerais território festas e rituais são romão (mg) - cultura popular geografia geografia humana geo-anthropology popular culture

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