Os fana no contexto galo-romano / The fana in the roman gaul context




This research envisaged to enlarge the discussion about the temples of Gaul tradition in urban spaces at the Roman Gaul during the High Roman Empire and to give bases for understanding these phenomena. Some debates perpassed all the conception, study and interpretation of data: the "romanization", the relationship between politics and religion, the continuation of Gaul religious cults and the space organization in Roman Gaul. The survey of plans where the fana had a relationship with the urban space built according with Roman architectural traditions, has allowed the establishment of data which, when compared to each other, allowed for the presentation of a more precise image of the role of Roman Gaul religiosity in face of the material and symbolic institution of the urban space.


gália-romana templos romanization religião romanização religion temples urbanization urbanização roman-gaul

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