Os intelectuais e as críticas às práticas esportivas no Brasil (1890-1947) / The intellectuals and the criticism of the sporting practices in Brazil (1890-1947)




Several bulwarks of resistance were elevated against the dissemination of sports in Brazil. By means of research restricted to the historical period comprehended between the dawn of the Republic and the fall of the Estado Novo, this dissertation proposes to charter the opposing argumentation according to the existing political colours – anarchism, communism, different sorts of nationalism –, medical ranging – from hygiene to eugenics – , and pedagogical nuances – from catholic education to the New School. It consider the historical scenario in wich the opposing argumentation was developed and how the polemics between criticals and adepts sides were conducted. It also demonstrates that many of arguments to which those upholders resorted were originally created to refute and that some of fundamental changes developed in the upholders discourse resulted to a large extend from this debate, in their need to fight criticism, and that some opposing arguments were debilitated in the end of studied period.


comunismo educação física educação nationalism sport anarchism anarquismo intelectuais education communism autoritarismo esporte nacionalismo physical education intellectuals racism racismo authoritarianism

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