Os jovens e o Jornal Nacional: fragmentos das relações entre cultura e educação na recepção do noticiário




This study is about the Matérias Edificantes of the Jornal Nacional and the way that it is understood by the selected groups of young people chosen for this investigation. The objective is to evaluate the difference in the opinion of the information of these substances for young people of different social and cultural backgrounds. Also, the study will try to verify if the young people perceive in the Matérias Edificantes, a certain type of citizenship. This study tends to be excellent, since the transformations in the course of information in massive means have great speed provided in the transmission of the messages. Because of the way it is, some authors think that through the marks of the new technologies, people are influenced simultaneously by some means. In this direction, the young public is an important segment within the universe of the receivers. It is in his youth that the individual improves his formation through the institutions that play this role like the school, the parents and medios, building each one reciprocally according to its specialty. Using the discussion in group with the pupils of average Ensino of a state school and a private school, it was possible to have the vision of how the selected sample assimilates the thematic one.(AU)


jornal nacional comunicacao edifying material youngs matérias edificantes e jovens jornal nacional

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