Os movimentos sociais como instrumento dos processos de criaÃÃo e de implantaÃÃo de unidades de conservaÃÃo no Distrito Federal: um estudo comparativo dos parques do Gama e Parque EcolÃgico de Ãguas Claras




This work approaches public actions and politics involving ambient education whose practical and quarrel it consists as inspiration of environmental social movements in the cities of Gamma and Clear Waters, in the Federal District. Such movements start to act as agents politicians when pressuring local government and authorities in the direction of the effective implantation of units of conservation. A differential of relative comparison is proven enters these cities from a story on the elaboration and implantation of the Politics of Ambient Management of Ecological Parks and Multiple use of the Federal District and its execution for the competent agencies, as well as the situation where the Parks of the cities in study if find. This differential involves origin, partner-economic profile of the population, category and objective of the parks, as well as the envolvement of its communities with the areas ambiently protected. The presented research however makes, still, a historical rescue on the promoted actions of ambient education in the two cities and that they had unchained a process of empoderamento of environmental social movements that, even so embryonic, they try to pressure the local government for the effective implantation of its units of conservation. The present work is mentioned, then, to the relation of the ambient education with the performance of environmental social movements as instrument of the processes of creation and implantation of units of conservation in the Federal District.


parque ecolÃgico de Ãguas claras recreativo park of gamma (prainha) urban and existential park of gamma parque urbano e vivencial do gama parque ecolÃgico e vivencial da ponte alta do gama parque recreativo do gama (prainha) movimentos sociais ecological clear water park educaÃÃo ambiental;movimentos sociais; reservas naturais; distrito federal social movements conservacao da natureza ambient education ecological park and existential high ponte of gamma educaÃÃo ambiental

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