Os programas governamentais para a erradicação do trabalho infantil em Mato Grosso do Sul, no período de 1996 a 2002




In this study we present the report of a research that was developed to identify the spreading movement in the scholar frequency in Mato Grosso do Sul, from 1996 to 2002, through the implementation of official programs and projects of social inclusion and eradication of child work. From the report and the analysis about the attending of these assistencial program and project, we discuss the role that the public school accomplishes in the modern society, because all of them dictate the financial advantages given by the government to the families that are in the poverty line, the enrollment of the kids and adolescents in schools, under the explanation that this public school constitutes the locus for the social protection and formation for citizenship. We discuss the concepts of child work adopted by the assistencial projects and programs in this development phase of the productive process, taking the child and the adolescent participation as one element of the process. The analysis shows that the child work is historically determined, either being enlisted or dispensed, as the interests and needs of the Capitalist accumulation in the movement produced by men in their social productive relations. In the context of assistencial projects and programs implemented in the 90s, the child work characterizes itself as the child participation in strategies of familiar survival. The enrollment of working children and adolescents in the public school guaranteeing basic food and shelter in the context of social inclusion projects identifies the assistencial function that it has been attributed to, meeting the human needs presented by these families. They correspond to the focalist and benefiting policies implemented by the Capitalist State, that meet, in one side, the material needs of the working class through the structural unemployment and the decreasing of working relations, and , on the other side, the demands of the plans of tax structural settings by the international organizations, intending to continuing the neoliberal project introduced to attend the economic interest of the world oligarchies.


child work education educacao trabalho infantil

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