Os sentidos dos vínculos na crise psíquica grave




The goal of this study is to analyze the meaning of personal relationships in severe mental crises, including family, social, and therapeutic relationships. Different concepts of crisis have been reviewed and the definition of crises have been presented as put forth by various authors, such as Buber (1979) and Moreno (1975, 1993), from a phenomenological and existentialist viewpoint, as well as those of the Argentinean School: Pichon-Rivière (1988a; 1988b), Moguillansky (1999) and Berenstein &Puget (1997), who describe the psychological and social aspects of these relationships. The material presented includes the process of individuation and an understanding of mental health and disturbances based on relationships as a maturation process in the psychodynamic model of Winnicott (1960, 1963, 1957, 1954, 1957), and in the psychodrama theory of Moreno (1975, 1993). The individuals constitution as it is affected by family relationships is studied in the relational, subconscious and intergenerational psychic transmission aspects, also considering the influence of social context and social networks. These different angles on the formation of relationships provide an insight into the configurations of relationships in individuals undergoing crises, as well as into the facilitating or impeditive potential they provide for change and for the differentiation of self. Research was carried out in two stages: by means of assisting people in severe mental crisis focusing on their relational content, and by visiting facilities where people in crisis are treated. The second stage was preceded by a documented research carried out on the development of crisis management services in the Brazilian and the British mental health systems. The assistance to people in crisis was given in Brasilia, Brazil, and the visits to crisis management services were made in Brasilia, London and East Kent in England, and Brussels, Belgium. In the different locations, diverse approaches, such as the medical/biological, biopsychosocial, and psychosocial approaches were encountered. The importance of relational configurations both in the occurrence of crises and in the recovery from them became evident. Our research led to the conclusion that severe mental crises represent moments in which changes in the sufferers relational context are required in order for the continuity of their processes of development and individuation. It is the duty of therapists and of mental health services to organize their assessments and interventions based on the meaning of crises in the life of an individual and on their relational context.


psicoterapia saúde mental psicologia

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