Os setores nacionais de infra-estrutura frente a reforma do Estado no Brasil




The present research concentrates its analysis effort in the reform of the infrastructure sectors in Brazil, especially, the one of telecommunications, electric and petroleum, that is, in the development of a compared perspective of those sectors, in way to allow the deepening of the analysís of the polítical dynamícs of the reform of the State in the country. Through the proposed analysis we intended to test two general hypotheses, which are: a) the polítical dynamics of the reform of the State in Brazil is different according to the form of insertion of the affected sectors in the state structure, as well as its articulation with the market and the civil society and b) the sector dynamics of the reform of the State shows that nor the Marxist paradigm that subordinates the State to the configuration of the capitalist economical interests, nor the institutionalist approaches, that just focus the institutional and organizational conditions that guarantee the political autonomy of the State, allow to understand the process of transformation of the Brazilian State


infra-estrutura (economia) - brasil reforma administrativa - brasil teoria do estado

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