Os sistemas públicos de informação em saúde na tomada de decisão - rede básica de saúde do munícipio de Ribeirão Preto / "Public health information in the decision making at basic care-Ribeirão Preto-SP"




The thematic of this study is information in health, one of the areas of collective health, since it is inserted in health policies for individual and a collective health promotion, prevention and recuperation, considering the social determinations of the health-illness process and yet, for serving as an analysing tool of the production of health actions, in decisions, in the (re)construction of the assistential model, allowing the subjects to achieve autonomy in the development of their work in health trough three great axis we sought sustainment for the study on information in health: decision making, the systemic focus of the organization and the organizational and directive principles of the Sistema Único de Saúde (Unique Health System). We aimed to describe and analyse the constitution and organization of the four public information systems in health form making decisions in the basic health network (SIM-RP – Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade – Mortality Information System, SINASC-RP – Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos – Birth Information system, SIVE-RP- Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica – Epidemiologic Surveillance Information System and HYGIA-RP Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial Informatizado – On Line Ambulatorial Information System), related to its objective, production, use, flow (upward, downward and lateral), integration, articulation, compatiblelization and access; as well as analysing how these public information systems in health offer tools for decision making in the municipal public health services, what principles guide them what logic (intention) of health production is present. This study was done in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto – East District, which has six Basic Health Units. The research instruments were the documentation analysis, participative observation and interviews. The data analysis was structured in two large groups: formal constitution of systems, including structure, process and results (exits) of each information system and the second group was the instrumentalization of the action in health: decision making, considering the information systems 6 Apresentação as a tool for analysis of the intention of the processes of production in health. The SINASC was one of the most used instruments by the health workers in the organization of the care model, allowing to detect errors in the unit’s organizational structure leading to processes of health care in more articulated and decentralized way. As to SIM, it was not been used as a decision maker instrument at the Basic Units. The information attained do not make sense to the information users, being used only at the main level of the Municipal Health Department when it does statisticals on the mortality causes in the municipality, underlining some programmes of health care. The HYGIA showed its potentiality of articulation with SINASC and SIVE, but was been under utilized, in the way it was been instrumentalizing mainly the statistics of the procedures done by the workers. Closer relations are held between UBS (Basic Health Unit) and the District in relation to SIVE-RP in registrating disease notifications. We consider Ribeirão Preto has a broad Health Information System, specialized human resources in the field, modern equipment, possibilities of integration between several systems, although a great number of information end up unlinked to daily routine of the health services. The information systems studied generally haven’t been used form making decisions in the basic health network, since the production of health services are centred on individual care, the type of immediate care, which such health model only registers data of the procedures done. Information is a potential instrument to offer tools for health production which seeks integration of actions.


modelos de atenção à saúde informação em saúde decision making information systems sistemas de informação tomada de decisão information in health health care models

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