Overrepresentation and regional interested: the case of law of informatics / Sobre-representação e interesses regionais: o caso da lei de informática




This essay aimed to test Stepans proposition (1999) on overrepresentation of less populous Brazilian states in the Congress. According to the author, this overrepresentation allows congressmen from less populous states to gather in order to block reforms which go against their interests. So as to test Stepans proposition, we have chosen as case study the republishing of the "Law of Informatics" (Law 8.248, October 23rd, 1991) in two moments: under Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) Presidency (Law 10.176/2001) and under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Presidency (Law 11.077/2004). The analysis comprehends the full transit of the bill, from Executive proposal through governmental sanction, and attempts to understand the way this issue came into object of attention both under FHC and Lula. The transit of the "Law of Informatics" within these two moments was guided by regional issues which opposed congressmen from de state of Amazonas, who were against some aspects of the law, and the ones from São Paulo, who were more interested in renovating the fiscal benefits granted by the law. The aftermath was unfavorable to Amazonass congressmen, who were not able to make up a group capable of defending their interests. Thus, we did not manage to confirm Stepans proposition.


federalismo lei de informática federalism information technology regional discord sobre-representação law of informatics tecnologias da informação disputas regionais overrepresentation

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