Packaging Specific Segments of the Salmonella Chromosome with Locked-in Mud-P22 Prophages


Hybrid genetic elements, Mud-P and Mud-Q (collectively, Mud-P22s), have been constructed that carry two-thirds of the temperate Salmonella phage P22 genome sandwiched between the ends of transposon Mu. Insertions of these elements in the Salmonella chromosome generate locked-in P22 prophages that cannot excise. Upon induction (as a consequence of the inactivation of P22 c2 repressor), a locked-in prophage replicates its DNA in situ, resulting in the amplification of neighboring regions of the chromosome and the processive packaging of three contiguous headsful of adjacent DNA in one direction from the P22 packaging site, pac. Phage particles in an induced lysate of a Mud-P22 lysogen contain DNA molecules corresponding to several minutes of chromosomal DNA adjacent to the site of prophage insertion and transduce nearby genetic markers with high efficiencies. Mud-P22 prophages have been introduced into an F' episome by transposition; resident Mud insertions on the Salmonella chromosome may be converted to Mud-P22 insertions by homologous recombination in P22-mediated transductional crosses.

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