Padrões de extração em estruturas factivas




The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between structural and semantic properties of factive sentences and the pattem of extraction exhibited. Factive Island is traditionally classified as a weak island, i.e., argument extraction results grammatical, but not adjunct extraction. In languages like Modem Greek, in which a different pattem of extraction is displayed, Factive Island is assumed to be a strong island. This thesis shows that such a distinction is unfeasible. In a single language, one finds structures that show a weak island pattem of extraction as well as constructions in which a strong island behavior is attested: (1) What did Peter regret that Mary did? (2) *How did Peter regret that Mary fixed the car? (3) *What did Peter regret the fact that Mary did? (4) *How did Peter regret the fact that Mary fixed the car? I investigate which kinds of structures are allowed as factive complements and their corresponding behavior conceming extraction. The common feature these structures show is their pressupositional character, which is derived from a selection requirement. I assume that factive predicates select a [+ specific] complement. The differences showed conceming extraction constitute a spontaneous effect from the structural way each construction may satisfy this requirement


principios e parametros (linguistica) lingua portuguesa - gramatica pressuposição (logica) gramatica gerativa

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