Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: o conhecimento escolar no ensino de ciências para as 6s e 7s séries do ensino fundamental




This research has aimed at identifying, by means of interviews with five female teachers from the Public System of State and Local Teaching, that contents of Sciences proposed by the National Curriculum Parameters ("NCP") are significant from the social, economic, cultural and scientific view points for the acquisition of school knowledge by the pupils from the 6th and 7th grades of the Fundamental Teaching. As our hypothesis was that the teachers knew the NCPs, one has aimed at verifying, with the teachers pseudonymously named Clara, Lia, Polyana, Rosa and Susi, which contents are really worked, how they are transmitted, which problems and difficulties are found when managing them and what said teachers consider important to learn in order to become a better Sciences teacher. One has also researched if these teachers know the purposes and use them in their school Planning or when drafting their classes. The strategies to facilitate the collection of data and the achievement of goals have been created from the qualitative research and the use of interviews. The analysis of the interviewed teachers speeches has allowed comprehending how the NCPs have arrived at the schools and how the teaching of Sciences has been developing in the Fundamental Teaching. This analysis has been elaborated in four steps: 1st) characterization of the schools and the interviewed teachers; 2nd) presentation and analysis of each interviewed teachers data; 3rd) testimonial survey of the inferences and categories; and 4th) analysis of all the categories. After these steps of analysis one has created a dialogue between the teachers speeches and the cited theorists, and one has finally aimed at describing the results, which have showed how the teaching of Sciences has been developing under a traditional fashion and the NCPs have not yet arrived at the classroom


ciências sciences estratégias de ensino parametros curriculares nacionais -- brasil teaching strategies psicologia educacional pcns continuous graduation conhecimento escolar educacao continuada ncps school knowledge ensino formação continuada ciencias (ensino fundamental)

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