Parteiras, experientes e poções: o dom que se apura pelo encanto da floresta




Using oral memory as a source, the present study deals with the kinship realtions, fields of action, lifeways, resistances, daily struggles, practices, knowleges and experiences of midwives, curers and traditional healers in afro-Brazilian villages in the Tocantins region ofthe state of Pará in Northem Amazônia. Since the formation of the ancient Quilombos in this region, these women fulfill multiple roles as heads of families, organizers and officiants of religious rituais and founding mothers of the .villages. In addition to their asistance in birthing, midwives, curers and traditional healers undertake a series of activities related to the processes of curing and the manipulation of plants and herbal medicines, in addition to their subsistence labor. Many of these activities are not considered to be compatible with the feminine sex. This being the case, this piece contributes to the rethinking of the importance of the study of cotidiani practices in order to understand the different roles played by women and men and also rethinks the representation of the relations between genders and its use as a form of domination in certain societies


daily struggles lutas cotidianas oral memory relações de gênero na amazônia curing curas curandeiros historia midwives memória oral relations of genders in the amazônia parteiras benzedeiras

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