PARTICIPAÇÃO E AUTONOMIA DAS MULHERES NAS COMUNIDADES ECLESIAIS DE BASE (CEBs) / ORTEGA PERALÍAS, Isabel. Womens participation and autonomy at Bases Ecleial Communities ( CEBs.). Goiânia: Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2005.




This dissertation deals with the women at Bases Eclesial Communities (CEBs), in Goiânia and investigates if the women find at CEBs a favorable space to participation, autonomy and equality relationship. The CEBs, understood as a socialreligious phenomenon that emphasizes the democratic participation and the liberator commitment, appear in the same decade in which emerge the new feminist movements, that define themselves by freedom and equality ideals and criticize the inequality and subordination relationships between women and men. The investigation of the reasons that boost the women to look for CEBs, the gains obtained and the challenges found has fundamental importance to understand the meaning of this Brazilian social-religious phenomenon. The present paper allows the CEBs actresses tell their word about the reasons, the gains obtained and the transformations happened in the relationships from their participation in them, so the difficulties and challenges found. They show the process of becoming autonomy people and able to fight for their rights in equality and alterative relation with men. This process advances with challenges, because the patriarchalism still persists in the Church and society as a whole.


cebs religion gênero cebs gender mulher teologia woman religião

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