Passagens / Passagens


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Passages refers to transition, displacement, change, transmission and continuity. Perception of the body as a whole in the action of making; the movement and its resonances in connection with breathing and how this is transmitted in modeling the pieces. If passages here means relating differences, something that occurs somewhere between the being and the matter, we are talking about a cold, amorphous and inert matter which absorbs, register and gives back an action1 from the contact with the hands and body. Initially I worked from tree branches as a structure determinate by the growing of the plant, matter which organizes itself moved by a principle of vital energy, superposing the clay on the movements of its forms. Afterwards, as the pieces would get dry, Ive realized other interventions on it, until the moment of the firing, when the branches disappeared, leaving voids and vestiges of its contact with clay. The blending of ceramic materials as a composed paste, associated with firing as a process of transformation, in which the kiln is build in adequacy to each work, are also important issues that are being developed in this research. Initiated through painting and engraving, this research expanded to the medium of ceramics, working with proceedings of destruction and regeneration, in the relation of intention and unpredictability a construction that comes into being by means of continuous superposition. In the assembly of the works, different contexts bring specific situations to the process of creation, involving the elaboration of installations and thinking the pieces as parts which articulate by approximation and combination between diverse elements, including the paintings, found objects, as pieces of woods and the works in engraving technique.


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