Pedagogia da escassez : neoliberalismo e educação no Ceara




The aim of this work is to analyse the educational policitsc of the State of Ceará between 1986 and 1999. During this period the liberal model was adopted as phylosophy of governamental action looking for new democratic purposes of the decade of 1980, stating then to education the task of producing individuals adjusted to this capitalist logic. The cearense public system of teaching turned to the catechesis of the rules of market now, losing the function of preparing citizens, being envolved by the logic of mercadology, where the law of market (offer and search) translated in the schools by quality and participation, started to be fundamental direction of the educative process. The Cearense educational system came as provider of labor submissive, based incentive to the starting of new exogenous industries of high tecnology, which production the destination of foreing market. In the Cearence system of education, occured, then at the some time, the uncertainty of educative work, with the generalization of the system of teleteaching, and bad wages for the professionals of education, the hiring for a short time and the control of teachers, as well, as the benefits in the eficiency of the public system of teaching, based on rates of registration and the indek of sholarization of the population, making of Cearense Education Politics a good example for the rest of the country, being in adition approved by well by the BID. We are based on official papers of neoliberal government and others from schools in the country side of the State, Quixada and Icapuí, for instance. Far from the optimistic results praised by the government, the state, our research tries to show the state of precariousness, to which Education in Ceará has been taken, under the flag of neoliberalism.


neoliberalismo participação educação - ceara

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