Percepção de pais e professores sobre práticas de educação e da criança sobre o certo e o errado: intervindo com ela para promover o respeito à diversidade / Perception of parents and teachers regarding childrearing practices and of children regarding what is right and wrong: intervention with children in order to promote respect of diversity.




If the family is the first socializing environment for children, preparing them for inclusion in a more expanded social context, school can be considered to be the second, with emphasis on the fact that parents and teachers are essential figures in the development of an individuals. It is their function to transmit values and behavioral norms and to compose the environment, establishing forms and limits for the younger generations. It is during childhood that children incorporate these values, this being the proper time to verify how children assimilate the factors related to tolerance, rights and duties. On this basis, we first investigated the perception of teachers and parents of pupils enrolled in Public and Private Schools regarding the way to educate children and domestic violence against them (Study I). Next, we analyzed how 2nd to 4th grade Elementary School pupils enrolled in Public School perceived the actions of adults towards themselves and what they considered to be right or wrong regarding contact among schoolmates and what should be done to guarantee respect of the rights of each person (Study II); finally, a set of group discussions was held regarding the questions of Tolerance and Rights with 4th grade pupils (Study III). To fulfill these objectives, three Public Schools and three Private Schools were contacted in Study I, with the participation of four teachers (one per grade) and eight parents (two per grade) per School from first to fourth grade of Elementary School, with a total of 72 persons interviewed. For data collection, a structured interview was applied to the parents and a set of incomplete sentences was used with the teachers. In Study II, 160 pupils of 2nd (40), 3rd (40) and 4th (80) grades of Elementary School were interviewed. Two instruments were elaborated, the first consisting of a set of drawings followed by questions, and the second in the form of a structured interview. In Study III, the material used for intervention was a game consisting of the presentation of a certain situation with two possible alternatives (one directed at incomprehension and disobedience and the other directed at tolerance and refusal of aggression) to be selected by the participants (two 4th grade classrooms). The data obtained were analyzed by the quantitative and quantitative interpretative systems. In general, the results showed that the parents of children from both schools considered punishment to be a central point in an ideal educational system. Most denied that the excess or the absence of punishment is good for education, but pointed out that a medium type of punishment is an action accepted as a form of child education. The teachers of both the public and private schools stated that they had already detected some type of domestic violence against their pupils. The data regarding the children demonstrated that they hold the adults responsible for their education and that what most bothers them in the contact with their peers is fighting. Thus, the question of greater visibility of domestic violence against children in the schools is discussed, with the teachers being important allies in its detection, together with the need for other interventions with the children in order to devise less violent strategies in situations that require self-control in their relationships with their schoolmates.


childrearing practices violência doméstica violência entre as crianças violence among children práticas educativas domestic violence

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