Percepção do ambiente por alunos e professores no entorno da Estação Ecológica de Caetés, Paulista,Pernambuco.




Environmental perception studies have been included in management projects that seek nature conservation. The main objective of this work was to evaluate students and teachers environmental perception as regarding to a natural protected area (Caetés Ecological Station) that is situated in the surroundings of their schools, in order to support an Environmental Education Program, which is a requisite to assure the conservation of that protected area. In the first stage of the study, students were asked to write essays and to draw mental maps about their living place. On the other hand, teachers answered a questionnaire about environmental issues related to their teaching experience. In the second stage, teachers attended to a lecture and were guided by the authors in a tour into the Ecological Station. Students essays and drawings showed a manifest content of unveiled conscience, not necessarily linked to the presence of a protected area in their neighborhood. In answering to the questionnaires, the teachers showed to have little knowledge and interaction as related to the Ecological Station. After the lecture-and-tour activity, the teachers suggested that the Political Pedagogical Project of their schools should included environmental education activities in the Caetés Ecological Station. There was a cognitive change among the teachers, since they showed an intention of seeking a deeper and closer relationship with the local Ecological Station.


estação ecológica de caetés pernambuco (br) unidade de conservação recursos florestais e engenharia florestal caetés ecological station environmental perception ciências florestais protected areas percepção ambiental paulista (pe)

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