Perdas de solo e mercúrio em diferentes usos e manejos da terra na região do Baixo Tapajós / Loss of soil and mercury according to different land uses and management in the area of the low Tapajós




In the Amazon, some research initiatives have been seeking to use the ecosystem approach to human health, in order to clarify the synergistic relationships between deforestation and mercury contamination of the aquatic ecosystems. Previous studies indicate that the source of contamination originates from the process of using mercury amalgamation for gold extraction - long regarded as the single source of mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems. However, there is also a natural presence of metals in soils, and other studies point to the influence of deforestation on the mobilization of mercury stored in organic horizon soil. The aquatic ecosystem is prone to bioaccumulation Hg along the food chain, and human communities are exposed through daily consumption of contaminated fish. This thesis shows that soil erosion is the primary process by which this metal reaches the water, and become toxic to humans. The intent is to assess and evaluate soil erosion in the region of the Low-Tapajos in the state of Pará, by using the equation of Universal Soil Loss in three communities: São Tomé, Agrovila Araipa and Nova Estrela, and consequently the concentration of mercury in these soils.


solo - uso tapajós erosão rio (pa) engenharias solos

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