Perfil clinico - social do individuo surdocego




A deafblind is someone who has substancial sight and hearing loss, in such way that the combination of these impairments causes an extreme difliculty in attaining their educational, leisure and social aims, while not being able to be integrated into special educational programs exclusive to sight impaired individuals, nor to those exclusive to hearing impaired individuals. The aim of this research was to identify the factors associated to deafblindness, describing the social- clinic profile of the subjects studied. Social, economic and cultural information were obtained from their family. An analysis of the gestation, a description of the neuropsychomotor development and a survey of the institutional care which is given to him. The casuistitry was of the 46 subjects diagnosed as deafblind, 42 of them assisted by institutions which work with visual impaired people as well as multiple sensorial impaired people, and 4 without specialized surveillance. This is a transversal descriptive study and the researched data were collected though a semi-leading questionnaire. The causes for the deficiencyvaried, while rubella (German measles) and prematurity associated to the etiologies prevailed. The motor and communicational development of these subjects were jeopardized. The factors that may have contributed to this aspect are numberless, such as the delay in establishing the diagnosis and a specialized care. The sight and hearing loss sometimes associated to another impairment, the lack of the knowledge concerning the existence of Health and Educational services for the orientation and immediate recommendation to concem Institutions and the difficulty to find a specialized service are also factors that may have contributed to the aggravation of the alterations found in the deafblind individuals development. There is a need for amplifying the investigations regarding deafblindness, the acknowledgement of deafblindness as a unique disability and professional qualification will open new researching paths allowing the adequacy of the evaluations and the enlarging of specific care, significantly contributing to a more effective change, which may ease the difficultieswe find today


cegos-surdos - aspectos sociais deficientes auditivos - aspectos sociais

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