Perfil profissional e cultura organizacional : o quimico frente a sua formação e atuação profissional




The purpose of the present study is to analyse and to determine the perception of superior levei chemists as defined by the interprise organizational culture I compared to the experience and knowledge acquired by those professionals in the universitary organizations. The proposed analysis takes into aecount the objects as participants in the construction of the social structures, not only as passive subjects but also as subjects that resist and reelaborate the established norms. It is in this form that the values and principies were taken, as well as the organizacional culture not only in the perspective of the studied industries. It was in this form that values, principies, organizacional culture of the industries were taken. Besides the perception of the interviewed chemists, this study has taken as fundamental the influence of the various forms of management and their I a ecompanying organizational theories. These theories are viewed in the present study as historically constructed, by taking into aecount the human profile of the professional I as requested by the market. The interviews realized with the professionals in three interprises have I shown remarkable differences between one industry ând the other.These differences are related to the different management models adopted by one or the other company, I in the effort to promote innovation that could lead to management pattems of intemationallevel, in the other words, flexibilization and globalization


ensino superior gestão da qualidade total formação profissional quimicos - ensino profissional universidade e industria

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