Perspectivas analiticas e interpretativas na obra para piano de Arnold Schonberg




This thesis, presented to the Fine Arts Post Graduate Program of the University of Campinas / UNICAMP, intended to fulfill part of the requirements for obtaining the Master in Fine Arts, in the field of Music. With the title Analytic and Interpretive Perspectives in Arnold Schönberg Piano Oeuvre and composed of a single volume, brings five chapters dedicated to Schönberg s work, with particular attention to the pieces written for piano solo. In Arnold Schönberg: legacy of contributions to a new musical aesthetics (chapter 1), Schönberg s body of work,as a whole, is briefly presented. Still in this chapter, an item specifically destined to piano brings information about the small, but fundamental group of pieces that configure his complete work for piano. In the central chapters (chapter 2, 3 and 4), aspects related to the composer s language structure were approached in different manners: In The motif as a generator and unifying element to the musical speech of the Piano Piece, Opus 11 nº 1 (Chapter 2), the motivic treatment is investigated, bringing to surface the innovating aspects of the atonal-free language in communion with procedures found in tonal tradition; in The dodecaphonic Method, its discovery and application in the first completely dodecaphonic piece: the Piano Suite, Opus 25 (Chapter 3), the Twelve-Tone Technique is investigated through the study of its origins, from specific technical aspects to the localization of the serial assemblage in the Präludium of the Suite, Opus 25. Shape and tradition in the structuring of the musical speech of the Five Pieces, Opus 23 and The Suite Opus 25 (Chapter 4) begining with a brief analisis of the Five Pieces, Opus 23, approaching the structural principle in which each one is built, in addition to present a sinthetic scheme of its formal structure. In the Suite, Opus 25, incurring in a comparison to the suite s form in the Baroque Period. The dance movements are investigated and its deep connections to this traditional form unfold. In Relevant aspects in interpretation and execution of the piano piece of Arnold Schönberg (Chapter 5) allures the paradox concerning the immense quantity of studies ans investigations regarding his work and the small frequency of its execution. Supported by the composer s writings, as well as analysis done in the previous chapters, elements that may help the pianist-interpreter of Schönberg s work are revealed. Two annex with full scores complement the thesis: the first one with Drei Klavierstücke, Opus 11, no 1, and the second with Klavierstücke, Opus 11, no. 2, the later with Konzertmässige Interpretation von Ferrucio Busoni. By the Final Considerations, I present questions deriving of the whole analysis. Followed By the Bibliography, which support this essay


musica piano music piano music theory teoria musical performance art performance (arte) dodecafonismo atonality atonalidade (musica) twelve-tone system

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