Perspectivas da responsabilidade social na bunge alimentos / Social responsability perspectives at Bunge Alimentos




Subjects presented in the Master Degree Program of Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) motivated this research, more precisely those referring to Public Management, Third Sector and Social Responsibility. The search for strategies that stimulate for or induce to an active and interested citizenship on political issues presented in ordinary people day-by-day lives, was a main perspective to the present study. To answer the question Which principles orientate Bunge Alimentos for CSR practices?, it was set as a research general objective knowing Bunge Alimentos Corporate Social Responsibility vision. Through a qualitative research based on a case study involving Bunge and Fundação Bunges managers, it was concluded that its Corporate Social Responsibility practices are based also in internal subjective aspects an inside-out vision and not only as an outside environment pressures consequence, as presented in the dominant literature.


responsabilidade social da empresa indústria alimentícia administracao de empresas corporate social responsibility values Ética empresarial business ethics

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