Phytochrome Regulation of Greening in Pisum1: Chlorophyll Accumulation and Abundance of mRNA for the Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Binding Proteins


A brief pulse of red light eliminates or reduces the lag in chlorophyll accumulation that occurs when dark-grown pea seedlings are transferred to continuous white light. The red light pulse also induces the accumulation of specific mRNAs. We compared time courses, escape from reversal by far-red light, and fluence-response behavior for induction of mRNA for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding proteins (Cab mRNA) with those for induction of rapid chlorophyll accumulation in seedlings of Pisum sativum cv Alaska. In both cases the time courses of low fluence and very low fluence responses diverged from each other in a similar fashion: the low fluence responses continued to increase for at least 24 hours, while the very low fluence responses reached saturation by 8 to 16 hours. Both responses escaped from reversibility by far-red slowly, approaching the red control level after 16 hours. The fluence-response curve for the Cab mRNA increase, on the other hand, showed threshold and saturation at fluences 10-fold lower than threshold and saturation values for the greening response. Therefore, the level of Cab mRNA, as measured by the presence of sequences hybridizing to a cDNA probe, does not limit the rate of chlorophyll accumulation after transfer of pea seedlings to white light. The Cab mRNA level in the buds of seedlings grown under continuous red light remained high even when the red fluence rate was too low to allow significant greening. In this case also, abundance of Cab mRNA cannot be what limits chlorophyll accumulation.

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