Piada explicada : imagem e humor em uma pesquisa em poéticas visuais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aims to discuss my artistic practice, developed initially in video and film, and now also expanded to the practices in photography and installation, analising how this practice constitutes itself, as well as the conceptual issues that problematize it. In order to do that, this research brings to light the artworks It¿s great to be rich!, Mouthie, IA Toilets and Waiting Room. I identify the development of some issues like humor problematization through its relation to image, in its audiovisual aspects as well as in its static version. Inside the wider concept of humor, I have elected the following subcategories as possible operational concepts: satire and irony (inside these, also, absurd and nonsense). In this sense, I study the procedures here employed and their conceptual implications in the elaboration of the propositions here investigated.


arte contemporânea poeticas visuais vídeoarte humor

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