PIRES, Frederico Pieper. Mythological Language and Hermeneutics: The Relation between Demythologization and Symbol in Religious Language / Linguagem mitológica e hermenêutica:relação entre o projeto de desmitologização e o simbólico




Rudolf Bultmanns thought and hermeneutic proposal of demythologization were subjects of debate in the 20th Century theological scene. In this dissertation, we seek to analyze Bultmanns proposal of demythologization, from the perspective of Paul Ricoeurs concept of symbol. However, before criticizing the bultmannian proposal, Bultmann will be situated in the 20th century theological thought (Chapter 1) and his proposal of demythologization discussed along with the positions of some of his critics (Chapter 2). According to our interpretation, Bultmann intended to translate New Testament mythological language to heideggerian categories. Moreover, he believed in the possibility of Christian expression without mythological language. From Paul Ricoeurs concept of symbol we criticize these two notions present in demythologization. Firstly, we conclude that myth cannot be translated completely into another type of language. There is a region of myth which is obscure and resistant to revelation. In second place, myth, taken as symbol, is the privileged language of religion. We sustain also that Bultmanns attempt to eliminate myth from religious language is occasioned by elements belonging to liberal theology in his thought. In many aspects, he overcomes certain notions of this theological school.We also seek, through the dissertation, to establish a dialog with the interpretation of Bultmanns thought in a Brazilian academic environment and to offer some clues to a reinterpretation of his thinking.(AU)


ciencias humanas existencialismo hermenêutica filosófica mito (filosofia) - linguagem

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