Piscicultura no MaranhÃo em Ãgua doce: situaÃÃo atual e perspectivas de crescimento futuro




The present paper discusses Pisciculture in non-salty waters. It shows the present conditions in MaranhÃo state, as well as the ones existing in Northeastern Brazil and other Brazilian regions. However, the main focus aims at MaranhÃo state, contextualizing the kinds of cultivation, which can be considered as productive processes of exportable economic advantages. It also approaches the types of fishery more demanded and offered, not forgetting the internal competitivity with other existing types of fishery and emphasizing crafted fishery, showing comparative and competitive advantages among them. The first basis of analysis studied demand, observing the potencialities of the fishing industry as a factor of economic development, as well as the market analysis, aiming at the development before international trade. At the second basis of analysis itâs possible to observe the prospection of offer of captive fishing with a perspective of growth of Pisciculture in waters within MaranhÃo state, as well as the economic viability in the internal and external markets. Summing up, itâs possible to verify the possibility of turning Pisciculture of nonsalty waters in MaranhÃo state, in a competitive activity, via exporting


economia demanda e oferta demand and offer tipos de piscicultura systems of cultivation piscicultura em Ãgua doce types of pisciculture non-salty water pisciculture sistemas de cultivo

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