Plantas indicadas como diurÃticas no Brasil desde Martius, 1843




population. Around 50% of Brazilian plants are considered medicinal but 1% or less has had their medicinal properties studied. In the last decades, there has been a progressive (and) worldwide use of raw medicinal plants and phytotherapics, including the diuretic ones. Knowledge of Brazilian diuretic plants is still very limited. This review intends to investigate the scientific names of the diuretic plants employed in Brazil their respective most common popular names, parts, forms of use, mode of administration and side effects. The study also investigates the diuretic property validation of the most cited ones. Medicinal plants cited as the key-word diuretic and to treat anasarca, edema and dropsy were searched in 61 monographs, in seven abstracts and nine articles from 65 annals, and in 12 articles from nine scientific magazines. The material was found in 24 libraries and the World Wide Web. A list with the scientific names of plants was made with their botanic families and popular names for each author. To obtain the citation frequency, all authors searched and plants cited were joined in a chart resulting in 1.420 plants cited by 89 authors. Thirteen plants occupied the seven most cited names: Phyllanthus niruri L. (45,5%), Persea gratissima Gaertn (35,5%), Zea mays L. (28,9%), Cassia occidentalis L. and Petiveria alliacea L. (25,5%), Taraxacum officinale Weber (24,4%), Boerhavia hirsuta L., Portulaca oleracea L. and Solanum paniculatum L. (22,2%), Cynara scolymus L., Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) R. Br., Piper umbellatum L. and Sambucus nigra L. (20,0%). The diuretic action was confirmed for P. niruri, P. gratissima, Z. mays, S. paniculatum and S. nigra. These results may help in chosing diuretic plants for treatment and research, pointing to the few validation studies and to the need for Government funding for research


fisiologia medicina popular diuretic plants plantas medicinais medicinal plants folk medicine plantas diurÃticas

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