Pobreza e aids: sofrimento, resistência e direito à vida / Aids and Poverty: suffering, resistence and right to life/SP




In this piece of work, we present a study on the qualitative level concerning the social vulnerability of families affected by the AIDS epidemic. The aim of the research was to go beyond the numerical dimension of the epidemic in order to meet the reality of families affected by the AIDS epidemic in poverty condition. The research studied in which ways social vulnerability and AIDS altogether have affected the families in poverty condition as well as how they have faced this reality. In this paper a trajectory of great suffering is revealed, mainly the one related to prejudice and discrimination, which added to a series of social privations imposes inhumane conditions of survival. Such conditions deeply jeopardize the organization of a project of family life of a quality that may guarantee the development of its members. The study yet reveals the dramas in the histories of generational relations in these families pointing to social policies the importance of deepening this matter. It also exposes how much they are excluded from the job market, surviving from unqualified, devalued or casual works, which determines extremely hazardous conditions of survival. Situations of sickening due to the development of AIDS are added to such reality. We conclude, by challenging, that such situation can only be faced by policies of social protection to be developed by the Brazilian State as an elementary social-human right without which we run the risk of compromising the development of the generations affected by the AIDS epidemic, which are in higher condition of social vulnerability


trabalho e proteção social ethical-political suffering vulnerabilidade social pobreza aids servico social servico social com a familia social protection discriminacao social vulnerability work aids sofrimento ético-político sindrome de imunodeficiencia adquirida -- pacientes

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