Políticas de educação a distância e a formação de professores em Mato Grosso do Sul - caminhos e descaminhos




This dissertation presents as research object the Politics of Education in the Distance EaD- and the formation of professors in Mato Grosso do Sul. The general objective of the research consists of to analyze the politics of EaD in Brazil for formation of professors and its implementation in MS. To reach this objective was delineated as objective specific: to examine the legislation and the official lines of direction of EaD in Brazil and its unfoldings in MS, and, to investigate the implementation of the programs of EaD under the coordination of the Secretariat of Education the Distance (TV Escola, Proinfo, Salto para o Futuro e Teleconferências) in the state sphere and its relation with the formation of professors. The developed inquiry was carried through by means of documentary research, with data gotten in the State secretary of Education of MS and in the National Lines of direction of EaD established by the MEC. The data had been complemented by means of interviews (group focal) with professors/technician of the State Secretary of Education of MS. Were verified that the EaD is based in laws and national and regional lines ofdirection. The SEE of MS possess some projects in EaD and formation of professors, with many teams being worried about the application of the programs, tracing objective and goals; but, the goals of these projects are not fulfilled in its totality, the reality are different of the registered proposals, for economics reasons and of discontinued public politics. Today what it is had in this modality of education in MS they are shy actions and citizens the priorities policy.


educacao formação de professores. educação a distância políticas educacionais

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